"poof" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009. detail
"poof" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009. detail
"poof" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009.
"seer" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009. (detail)
"seer" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009. (detail)
"seer" photo montage on wood panel with epoxy, 48" x 48", todd s. hale 2009.
Nags Head, NC July 2009.
horseshoe crabs, studio/gallery 6, September 2009.